
We are all currently facing some serious changes to our daily lives and I have no doubt many of you are going through unexpected challenges as we adapt to working from home, wearing face masks, not seeing our loved ones as closely or frequently as we would like to and countless other factors that we do not have time or heart to name. But I do want to believe that there is a silver lining  to all of this. Change is never easy, but sometimes change in itself brings on many other opportunities that we are not aware of.

As many of you find yourselves at home, I want to offer you the possibility of taking on some of your forgotten objectives. There has never been a better time to learn, study and improve those skills you tend to push back because your are simply too busy. Now is the time to consider taking on English again and stepping into a short moment in time when nothing else matters but how you are improving your skills and advancing your knowledge.

I find that when I work with my students for that short hour or hour and a half, I come out happier, more hopeful and positive that they are learning and feeling better about themselves. And maybe, that is the silver lining in all of this, finding those windows of time with others and spending some slow time learning and growing.

Here are a few things for you to consider:

Starting English Classes again! I have been told classes during the lock down have been a small oasis.

Read our blog Loud and Clear for fresh ideas and practice

This amazing short film that demonstrates the power of empathy

This lovely podcast to remind us all that everything is always changing

I hope to see all of you more frequently and soon, whether it is on the screen or even better, in person.

Take care and be well.

Love, Heidi

Photo Source: Cuddle Clouds


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